cosmology results from the Data Release 1
University of Michigan
Art: Jonathan Reynolds
Image: KPNO/NOIRLab/NSF/AURA/P. Marenfeld
Characterize the expansion
history in the Dark Energy era Baryon acoustic oscillations
Characterize growth of
large scale structure Redshift-space distortions
Art: Jonathan Reynolds
Video: Lawrence Berkeley National Lab/KPNO/NOIRLab/NSF/AURA
Videos: Apache Point Observatory (SDSS) & Claire Poppett (DESI)
Video: Marilyn Chung/Berkeley Lab
Exposure times:
Resulting in a 3D map of galaxies and quasars
Figure: Shadab Alam
Art: yasai
\[ c_\text{s}(z) = \frac{c}{\sqrt{3\left(1+\frac{3}{4}\frac{\rho_\text{B}(z)}{\rho_\gamma(z)}\right)}} \]
\[ r_\text{d} = \int_{z_\text{d}}^\infty \frac{c_\text{s}(z)}{H(z)} dz \]
theoretical covariances of power spectrum multipoles
OA et al. (in prep.)
OA et al. (in prep.)
Art: yasai
Art: yasai
Neutrino oscillations constrain squared mass differences.
Lowest total mass of the neutrino sector:
Figure: Cahn et al. (2013)
angular diameter distance
to recombination neutrino effects in
CMB lensing
But thats’s degenerate with the Hubble constant and matter density.
Art: yasai
\(w(a) = w_0 + w_a(1-a)\)
P.S.: Next BAO release is right around the corner.
\(S_8\) “tension”
Neutrino masses: addition of broadband information,
Dark energy: impact on growth of structure,
+ other models beyond ΛCDM.
Art: yasai
cosmic variance limited
new targets and easy redshifts
more targets than fibers
hard to identify new targets
Figure: Kyle Dawson
Early results from both DESI and LSST will shape future priorities
Together with a potential DESI upgrade, they will inform the design of a next-generation spectroscopic survey by telling us which potential science goals should be emphasized.
P5 2023 report
2 telescopes: Mayall + Blanco
Mirror upgrade: from 4m to 6m
Instrument upgrade: 3 fibers per positioner = 26k fibers per telescope
Science cases: