Modeling the covariance of DESI
power spectrum measurements

Otávio Alves

University of Michigan

DESI DR1 covariance task

Co-leads: Otávio Alves, Misha Rashkovetskyi, Daniel Forero-Sánchez

theoretical covariances of power spectrum multipoles

Dark Energy Survey Year 3 Results: Constraints on extensions to ΛCDM with weak lensing and galaxy clustering

Co-leads: Agnès Ferté, Jessie Muir

Dark Energy Survey Year 6 Extensions

Co-leads: Otávio Alves, Sujeong Lee, Marco Raveri

Weyl potential

\[ \Phi = \frac{\psi + \phi}{2}, \qquad {\rm d}s^2=a(\tau)^2[−(1+2\psi){\rm d}\tau^2+(1−2\phi){\rm d}x^2] \]

  • Deviations from General Relativity
  • Anisotropic stress

DES Y6: Constraints on Dark Matter properties and Dark Energy


  • Analytical covariances of \(P_\ell(k)\) with DESI DR1-like realism. 🤯
    • Methodology paper in prep. 👀
    • Code available at cosmodesi/thecov 🆒 🆕 💯
  • DES legacy results on physics beyond ΛCDM upcoming 😍
    • With an extended analysis of the physics of the dark sector 😮

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